So grateful to Kosmos Energy for this beautiful clinic for Senya SHS in Senya Bereku. It has a cute reception area, consulting room, a ward each for male and female, washrooms and an apartment for the school nurse. All spaces are furnished.
Commissioned it with Mr.Joe Mensah and his team from Kosmos energy and the Headmaster, staff and students of Senya SHS.

This is Godsent and will help the over 1400 students so they dont have to struggle to go far out of the campus for medical assistance.
In Awutu Senya West we have been working in collaboration with Kosmos Innovation Center for the School farms project a subsidiary of Kosmos Energy which has endeared our students in basic schools into best farming practices.

We look forward to further collaborations to uplift our development agenda moving forward.
Thank you Kosmos Energy. You truly partner in energising Ghana…